Florian Marion


Curriculum Vitae

____________Personal Information__________________________________________

                        Born on 26.06.1990 in Rennes/Roazhon (Brittany).

Citizenship:     Kingdom of Belgium & French Republic


ORCID  ID        0000-0002-0234-4435

Philpeople       https://philpeople.org/profiles/florian-marion

Academia        https://uclouvain.academia.edu/FlorianMarion

WordPress https://florianmarion.wordpress.com

____________Research Interests___________________________________________

Fields of expertise:                    Platonism, Aristotelian Philosophy, Socratic Philosophy, Hellenistic Philosophy, Neoplatonism, Ancient Philosophy, Metaphysics of Modality, Epistemology of Modality, Meta-ontology

Fields of competence:                Metaphysics, Non-Classical Logics, Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Physics, Epistemology, Non-Mediterranean Philosophy, etc.

____________Academic Employment_______________________________________

April 2023-Sept. 2024 Doctor-assistant (Teaching & Research Fellow), Institute of Philosophy/School of Philosophy, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

Sept. 2017-March 2023  Assistant (Teaching & Research Fellow), Institute of Philosophy/School of Philosophy, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).


2023             PhD, Ancient Philosophy, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

                      Thesis: Modalité et changement: δύναμις et cinétique aristotélicienne

[Modality and Change: δύναμις and Aristotle’s Kinetics]

Supervisor: Pierre Destrée (FNRS/Catholic University of Louvain)

Thesis Defense Committee: Pierre Destrée, Cristina Cerami (CNRS/Pantheon-Sorbonne University), Jean-Michel Counet (Catholic University of Louvain), Alexandre Guay (Catholic University of Louvain) & Jan Opsomer (Catholic University of Leuven)

(PhD dissertation defense: 11th March 2023)

2016             French Postgraduate Certificate in Secondary Education (CAPES), Philosophy, ranked first nationally in the competitive exam (rank: 1st/1630)

2015              MPhil, Philosophy, Sorbonne University (formerly: Paris-Sorbonne University-Paris IV), (Paris).

Thesis: Study on the notions of διάθεσις and ἕξις in Aristotle

Supervisors: Cristina Cerami (Pantheon-Sorbonne University) & Marwan Rashed (Sorbonne University)

2014             MA, History and Philosophy of Sciences, University of Paris-Cité (formerly: Paris-Diderot University-Paris VII), École Normale Supérieure rue d’Ulm (now: member of PSL University), (Paris) & École Polytechnique, (Palaiseau).

Thesis: Study on the concept of motion in Aristotle and Diodorus Kronus

Supervisor: Cristina Cerami (Pantheon-Sorbonne University)

2013             BA, Philosophy, University of Rennes I, (Rennes).

                      BA, History, University of Rennes II (formerly: of Upper Brittany), (Rennes).

2012             BA, French and Comparative Literatures, University of Rennes II (formerly: of Upper Brittany), (Rennes).

2009              BA1, Physics, Chemistry, and Geosciences, University of Rennes 1, (Rennes).

2008             Baccalauréat (scientific option)


Forthcoming     “The Late-Learners of the School of Names. Sph. 251a8-c6: ὁ ἀγαθὸς ἄνθρωπος (the good man) and 白馬 (white horse)”, in Brisson, L., Perry, R., Halper, E. (eds.), Plato’s Sophist. Selected Papers of the Thirteenth Symposium Platonicum, Academia Verlag, Baden-Baden, pp.?

 2024    “Existence is not relativistically invariant. Part. 1: Meta-Ontology”, Acta Analytica, 39, pp. ? (online pre-publication at https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12136-024-00586-3)

2023                 Modalité et changement: δύναμις et cinétique aristotélicienne (PhD Thesis), Université catholique de Louvain, 995pp.

2022                 “Seyn, ἕν, 道: brevis tractatus meta-ontologicus de elephantis et testudinibus”, Revue philosophique de Louvain, 119-1, pp. 1-51.

2019                 Review of: R. Polansky & W. Wians (eds.), Reading Aristotle. Argument and Exposition, Leiden/Boston, Brill, 2017, Revue philosophique de Louvain, 117-1, pp. 166-169.

2018                 “The ἐξαίφνης in the Platonic Tradition: From Kinematics to Dynamics” (available online: https://philarchive.org/archive/MARTI-7)

2014                 “Le solipsisme dans le Tractatus logico-philosophicus: du solipsisme au Mystique”, Al-Mukhatabat, 9, pp. 264-283.

Works in Progress      

   Papers Submitted

“A Note on Wyman’s Theory of Meaninglessness” (draft available upon request)

“An Alternative to Moral Vegetarianism for Meat-Eaters: Moral Cannibalism” (draft available upon request)

“Change and Location. A Case-Study against Functionality” (draft available upon request)

“Plato on Coming-to-Be: A Midway Path Between Eleaticism and Creationism” (draft available upon request)

   Papers Unsubmitted

“The Axiom of Choice: Mathematics or Theology?” (draft available upon request)

“Antipodean Speusippus. The Temptation of ‘Plurallism’ in the Old Academy” (draft available upon request)

“Welcome to the Modalist Jungle. Potentiality-based Modality: Semantics and Metaphysics” (draft available upon request)

“Separation and Theoretical Sciences: A Reading in the Light of Met. I.1 1052b17” (draft available upon request)

“Carnéade, in Cicéron, De fato, XIV, 31-33: le platonisme dé-voilé?” (draft available upon request)

“Neglected Evidence for Epicurus on the Excluded Middle: The Logical Background of Seneca’s De Tranquillitate Animi” (draft available upon request)

   Papers in to be Written or Finished

Process and Modality. From Aristotle’s Physics to Phase Space, Towards a Metaphysical Explanation of Change (monograph written in English, the two first chapters of which will be a summary of my PhD thesis, while the following chapters will be a logico-metaphysical discussion about processes and their mathematical formalizations, especially in computer theory (multimodal tensed logics) and classical mechanics (Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formalisms) – the first part will belong to history of philosophy, the second to logic, metaphysics and philosophy of physics.)

“A Mathematical Interpretation of Spinoza’s Ethics. Short Preliminary Remarks”, Draft.

with Alexandre Guay. “Thinking about Physics while reading Aristotle, Phys. 4.10-12”, Draft.

“Looking at the Sun with Aristotle’s and Plato’s Eyes: Physics of Heat vs Metaphysics of Light”

“Physical Plurallism. General Relativity and Complete Observables”

____________Conference Presentations_____________________________________

June 2024                     “Proclus’ Neoplatonist Logic: Negations and The Principle of Non-Contradiction”, 21st Annual ISNS (International Society for Neoplatonic Studies) Conference, Trinity College Dublin, (Dublin).

20th February 2024        Comments on Anna Marmodoro’s “No Thing Can Be Another. What Then?”, Société Philosophique de Louvain, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

13th February 2024        Comments on Fabien Muller’s talk, Mercier Prize Ceremony for the Best Essay in Metaphysics jointly awarded by KU Leuven and UCLouvain (F. Muller, Kenologische Versuche. Der Johannesprolog zwischen Nāgārjuna, Vasubandhu und Meister Eckhart, Aschendorff Verlag, 2022), Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

Cancelled (2023)           “The Axiom of Choice: Mathematics or Theology?”, Metaphysics and Mathematics Seminar, Bard College, (Annandale-on-Hudson). Invited.

22th July 2022               “Sophist, 251a8-c6: ὁ ἀγαθὸς ἄνθρωπος (the good man) and 白馬 (white horse)”, 13th Symposium Platonicum. Plato’s Sophist, University of Georgia, (Athens).

12th July 2022               “The Megaric (Re)Turn in Contemporary Philosophy: Eubulides’ Paradoxes and Diodorus’ Logic. (Non-Classical Logics and post-Socratic Philosophy)”, Socratica V, International Society for Socratic Studies, Rice University Houston, (Houston).

26th April 2022             “The Temptation of ‘Radical Plurallism’ in the Old Academy: Plato and Speusippus”, IV International Conference in Greek Philosophy, Sociedad Ibérica de Filosofia Griega, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, (Madrid).

5th May 2021                with Alexandre Guay (speaker): “An Aristotelian Puzzle about Time”, Séminaire Work in Progress, CEFISES, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

19th March 2021            with Alexandre Guay (speaker): “If it is not changing, there is no time?”, Brown Bag Seminar, Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Catholic University of Leuven, (Leuven).

3rd March 2020             “Une lecture de Métaphysique, Θ.3: dispositionnalisme vs. catégoricalisme”, Doctoral Seminar of the School of Philosophy (University of Lille, Catholic University of Louvain, Free University of Brussels, Saint-Louis University, University of Liège & University of Namur), University of Lille, (Lille).

23rd January 2020         Comments on Martha Beulens’s “Philosophie naturelle, destin et connaissance du futur dans l’oeuvre d’Albert le Grand”, Doctoral Seminar of the School of Philosophy (University of Lille, Catholic University of Louvain, Free University of Brussels, Saint-Louis University, University of Liège & University of Namur), Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

18th July 2019               “1676: Leibniz, lecteur de la seconde partie du Parménide”, 12th Symposium Platonicum. Plato’s Parmenides, (Paris).

17th October 2018         “La structure argumentative de Proclus, De malorum subsistentia, §§1-2”, Séminaire sur la théodicée de Proclus: lecture du De malorum subsistentia, De Wulf-Mansion Centre, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

5th July 2018                “Réflexions autour de la première physique ‘quantique’ de Leibniz (1670-1672)”, Congrès international triennal de la SoPhA (Société de Philosophie Analytique). Le continu et le discret, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

14th June 2018              “Damascius’ Theodicy: Psychic Input of Disorder and Evil into the World”, 16th Annual ISNS (International Society for Neoplatonic Studies) Conference, Loyola Marymount University, (Los Angeles).

31st March 2017            “Diodorus Kronus on Motion against Aristotle’s Kinematics”, First Dublin Graduate Conference in Ancient Philosophy. Physis and Psychê in Ancient Philosophy: Causes, Generation, and Change, University College Dublin/Trinity College Dublin, (Dublin).

19th March 2015            “Quelques remarques sur la critique platonicienne des Mégariques (Sophiste, 245e-249d)”, Student Workshop in Ancient Philosophy, Lecture du Sophiste, Sorbonne University, (Paris).

____________Public Presentations__________________________________________

17th November 2021      “Parménide et Platon, un double parricide ? Variation sur la cinquième hypothèse du Parménide”, Journée d’étude philosophique sur Platon, Institution Jeanne d’Arc, (Étampes).

20th November 2019      “‘Paradoxal Aristote’. Paradoxe de Grelling, auto-référence, vérité et paraconsistance”, Journée d’étude philosophique sur Aristote, Institution Jeanne d’Arc, (Étampes).

30th March 2017            with Pierre-François Duglué: “Les mathématiques dans le monde: que font les démons de Platon (et ceux de Gödel)?”, Atelier de philosophie des sciences, University of Rennes 1, (Rennes).


Forthcoming           “Aristote et le mouvement”, in Grégory Clesse’s radio programme Histoire de comprendre, RCF Namur.

2022                 Interview on the Philosophical Theories of Happiness and Well-Being, in Louis Escouflaire’s Podcast Louvain-la-Neuve, Episode 3 “sans m’arrêter”, 31:35-43:12 (links: https://uclouvain.be/fr/decouvrir/louvain-la-neuve.html, https://www.deezer.com/fr/show/3711807?deferredFl=1, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZv_hNQoeOQ)

2019                 “Portrait d’un chercheur: Florian Marion”, Philo. Courrier des Ancient-ne-s de l’Institut supérieur de philosophie et de l’École de philosophie (Université catholique de Louvain), n°24 (décembre 2019), p. 2-3. (link: https://uclouvain.be/fr/instituts-recherche/isp/les-alumni.html)

____________Awards and Fellowships______________________________________

April 2023-Sept. 2024    Doctor-assistant Fellowship, Catholic University of Louvain.

Sept. 2017-March 2023  Assistant Fellowship, Catholic University of Louvain.

2018                              ISNS (International Society for Neoplatonic Studies) Travel Award for the 16th Annual ISNS Conference at the Loyola Marymount University, (Los Angeles). $1000

____________Membership in Academic Association__________________________

Since 2022        Member of ISSS: International Society for Socratic Studies

                         Member of BSLPS: Belgian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science

Since 2020        Member of SIFG: Sociedad Ibérica de Filosofía Griega

Since 2018        Member of IPS: International Plato Society

             Member of SoPhA: Société de Philosophie Analytique

Since 2017        Member of ISNS: International Society for Neoplatonic Studies

Member of the Société Philosophique de Louvain

____________Professional Service: Refereeing______________________________

Journals           Revue philosophique de Louvain, TheoLogica

____________Organisational Activities_____________________________________

2023-2024       Research Seminar, creation and co-organization of the monthly research seminar Metametaphysics and the Sciences with Kévin Chalas, CEFISES, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve). Invited speakers: Stephen Barker (Nottingham University), Pierre Saint-Germier (CNRS-Sorbonne University), Markus Schrenk (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf), Tuomas Tahko (Bristol University), Emiliano Trizio (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia), Barbara Vetter (Freie Universität Berlin).

                        21st March 2024. Roundtable “Metametaphysics and History of Philosophy” with Tuomas Tahko (Bristol University), Alexandre Guay (UCLouvain, CEFISES) and Jacob Schmutz (UCLouvain, De Wulf-Mansion Centre), co-organized with Kévin Chalas, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

2022                 Reading seminar, active participation at the biweekly reading group devoted to the reading of Kit Fine’s Modality and Tense. Philosophical Papers) organised by Kévin Chalas and Alexandre Guay, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

Successful Lobbying Campaign to the publishing house The White Horse Press in order to reissue Richard Routley/Sylvan’s latest book Transcendental Metaphysics. From Radical to Deep Plurallism (link: https://www.whpress.co.uk/publications/2022/08/02/transcendental-metaphysics/)

2020                 Successful Proposal of Francesco Berto for the chair of excellence ‘Chaire Mercier 2020-2021’ of the Institute of Philosophy (Catholic University of Louvain), with Peter Verdée. (Inaugural Lesson of the Chaire Mercier 2020-2021 available online at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDBa-tM1esg)

2018-2020         Reading Seminar, creation and co-organization of the monthly reading group Metaphilosophia (devoted to the reading of Timothy Williamson’s The Philosophy of Philosophy) with Peter Verdée, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

2018-2019         Seminar, creation and organization of the monthly seminar Séminaire sur la théodicée de Proclus: lecture du De malorum subsistentia, De Wulf-Mansion Centre, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

                        Seminar, creation and co-organization of the biweekly seminar Mind in Louvain (Philosophy of Mind) with François Kammerer and Gwenaël Laurent, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

2015                 Student Workshop, creation and organization of the monthly student workshop Lecture du Sophiste (Ancient Philosophy), Sorbonne University, (Paris).

____________Teaching Experience__________________________________________

2017-2024         Teaching Fellow, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

2023-2024         Supervision, Practical Philosophy Internship (graduate class, School of Philosophy), LFILO2904

2020-2022         Tutorial, Critical Examination of Information and Critical Thinking (undergraduate class, Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters), LFIAL1430

2018-2024         Tutorial, Philosophy of Technology (undergraduate class, Faculty of Law), LDROI1006

Tutorial, Theoretical Philosophy: Truth and Belief (undergraduate class, School of Philosophy), LFILO1112

Tutorial, Methodology of Essay-Writing, Argumentation and Philosophical Quarrels (undergraduate class, School of Philosophy), LFILO1224

2017-2018:        Tutorial, Philosophy of Technology (undergraduate class, Faculty of Law), LDROI1006

Tutorial, Epistemology, Philosophy of Language and Logic (undergraduate class, School of Philosophy), LFILO1112

Tutorial, Philosophy of Science and Metaphysics (undergraduate class, School of Philosophy), LFILO1224

2016-2017         Philosophy Teacher in Secondary Education, in Lycée Beaumont, (Redon).

2014                  Examiner for Philosophy and French Literature mock exams in Parisian private secondary school “L’Ecole”

____________Institutional Responsibilities_________________________________

2022-2024         Representative of the Scientific Body at the Council of the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

                         Member of the Executive Board of the Société Philosophique de Louvain, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

2020-2024         Member of the Commission for the Library of the Institute of Philosophy, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

2020-2021         Representative of the Scientific Body at the Council of the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

2019-2022         Representative of the Assistants (Teaching & Research Fellows) at the Recruitment Commission for the Assistants, Institute and School of Philosophy, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

2018-2020         Representative of the Scientific Body at the Executive Board of the Institute of Philosophy, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

2017-2021         Representative of the Scientific Body at the Council of the Institute of Philosophy, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

2017-2021         Representative of the Assistants (Teaching & Research Fellows) at the Council of the School of Philosophy, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

2017-2023         Scientist in charge of the Ancient Philosophy section at the Library of the Institute of Philosophy, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).

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